
Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Teaching Philosophy

As an English language teacher, I believe the purpose of teaching is not only to enhance the academic performance of the students but also to encourage them to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of ever changing global society. They need to be provided with a platform where they can build their self confidence and self esteem to face the challenges of this new and progressing world. This can be only done is a holistic and student centered learning environment where teacher acts as a role model who practically demonstrates Islamic principles. 

My teaching philosophy very much aligns with the Gardener’s theory of “multiple intelligence”. At very beginning, I must know interests, learning styles, ethnic backgrounds, attitude and aptitude of the learners to cater the differences in the class. I must be able to adapt the materials, teaching styles and strategies, and assessment to address the differences in learners. This could be only possible by having a vivid understating of the nature of the learners. In addition, at an early stage I make sure that learners are fully aware of what I expect from them and I clarify what they expect from me. This helps to achieve my goals and their goals. 

I believe in the concept “the earlier the better” works well in language teaching classroom. Students are afraid of making mistakes when they reach to adolescence. So in lower grades learners should be encouraged and reinforced to open up and contribute in the class to develop their self confidence.  Since hesitation is the main burden to develop language in learners, I must create a learning environment where every child is attended and every word is considered. 

As I am in favor of implementing constructivist learning theory in language learning, I allow my students to create their own learning in the class. I act as a facilitator or guide rather than directly teaching the rules. I design the lessons in a way that students can acquire language unconsciously in natural setting where they do interactive activities like dramas, role plays and conversations in groups. I foster equal and active participation of the group members to hinder the domination by the good students in the groups. I also emphasize learning from one another to foster weak learners to be up to the standard and I make sure collaborative and cooperative learning is incorporated in my lessons. This helps students to acquire communication skills and ability to work as a team. 

To conclude, I am very much in favor of incorporating 8 key competencies in teaching as stated in the new curriculum of the Maldives. Since I believe “practicing Islam” is most important key competency I try to incorporate this in every single lesson. This helps not only to promote Islamic principles but also strengthen the Islamic faith of the learners and develops Islamic values in them.

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